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How Long Is The Wait For NHS Hearing Aids?

Hearing aids are sold privately but are also issued free from the NHS. Both options have advantages and drawbacks in terms of hearing aid prices, types, availability and waiting time. This article compares the NHS waiting time for hearing aids to the waiting time when buying from a private dispenser.

Hearing aids are widely available and offered in a variety of models, designs and colours. Whether you have mild, moderate or profound hearing loss , you can choose the one that best fits your specific hearing impairment condition and personal taste.

How Long is the Waiting Time for NHS Hearing Aids?

Receiving a hearing aid from the NHS, while free of charge, can be a lengthy process. The steps are as follows: 

  • Visit your GP for a referral to an NHS audiologist. Waiting time is usually around 6 weeks.
  • The audiologist will then perform a professional hearing test to determine the exact type and degree of hearing loss. The hearing aid types offered by the NHS are much more limited than those you can obtain privately.
  • The audiologist will recommend the best hearing aid for you and make another appointment to fit your hearing aid. The waiting time for a fitting appointment can be up to 3 months depending on the hearing aid you choose.
  • You will receive your hearing aid at the fitting appointment and some hearing aids need adjustments after you start using them. You may need a second appointment to get it right. You will need to be patient, your brain needs to adjust to the new range of sounds it's hearing. You may need to wait quite some time before you feel the full benefits of your hearing aid. This is totally normal. 

Will You Get Two Hearing Aids From The NHS? 

One of the most common questions people ask is, "Do I need just one hearing aid or should I get both?" The answer to this depends on your specific needs. According to NICE guidelines, two hearing aids are considered better than one for those with severe losses in both ears because it benefits them tremendously by furthering their listening comprehension abilities. Among the major benefits of wearing two hearing aids are helping wearers locate the source of the sound, and suppressing the effects of tinnitus. The audiologist can help you choose if one or both ears are better suited for hearing aids.

If you're only offered one hearing aid, it may be because: 

Your audiologist has determined that a Hearing Aid is not suitable for the condition in your other ear or hearing loss is diagnosed only in one ear. 

Now if the audiologists advise you to get two hearing aids for an improved experience, you need to request the NHS for the same.  

Will Hearing Aids be Covered by Insurance? 

Hearing aids can be a life-changing device for the hearing impaired, but most insurance providers don't consider them to be a financial risk worth taking. Insurance providers don't always see hearing aids the same way, for many reasons. Hearing aids are seen as too high risk to insure and can get lost or damaged easily in some cases- usually requiring regular replacement every few years. However, there are a number of leading insurance providers who provide coverage for your privately bought hearing aids, namely, Asset Sure and Boots. 


How long does it take to get Hearing aids privately?

Another option is to purchase your hearing aids from a private dispenser, either from a high street shop or online. The hearing aids offered privately cover all types and models that are available on the market. You will have an abundance of choices, including the most advanced hearing aids, and have the opportunity to find the perfect device for you. Buying your hearing aid privately will substantially shorten your waiting time. You will be able to benefit from your hearing aid much faster.

Buying a Hearing Aid from the High Street

When it comes to purchasing a hearing aid, you need more than just something that will work. A reputable company is essential for getting the best results and satisfaction with your purchase. Purchasing a hearing aid from the high street involves making a hearing test appointment. Your hearing aid will then be ordered and another appointment made  to have your hearing aid personally fitted.  

How Do I Get Hearing Aids on the Same Day? 

Your ears need to be tested in order for an audiologist to know how well you hear and what solution would work best with your specific situation. Everyone's hearing is unique, so it needs to be studied carefully before recommending customised strategies to cope with it. During your consultation with the audiologist, you will be asked a series of questions and made to listen to sounds at different pitches. You may be asked to put on a headband that will check how well you can detect sounds through direct vibrations. 

Now there's a less time-consuming means of acquiring the right hearing aids that are trusted by 1000’s of happy wearers across the UK. Today, buying hearing aids online is the quickest and the most convenient way to secure the perfect devices.   

Buying a Hearing Aid Online

Today, Hearing Direct is one of the most trusted hearing aid retailers in the UK. Buying hearing aids from Hearing Direct not only saves you a significant amount of money but also means that you can receive them within 24hrs. Ordering from Hearing Direct means that your hearing aid can arrive on your doorstep within 24 hours of your order. We also have an online hearing check that takes the same form as the test an audiologist will perform and only takes 3 minutes. You can also send us a copy of your audiogram and our hearing specialists can programme our hearing aids with the result of your own audiogram before we send them to you.

The digital hearing aids offered on the website do not require taking an impression of the individual ear . You can, therefore, choose your hearing device, purchase it today and receive it tomorrow. In case it is not the perfect fit or if you do not feel a significant benefit from your hearing aids, you can return them within 30 days and receive a full refund. Moreover, the warranty period covers either 12 or 24 months  and the device is sent with a fresh packet of batteries so you can start using your hearing aid straight away.

Our blog is home to a number of valuable resources, including more informative posts about NHS hearing aids and different types of hearing loss. Below is a selection of articles that may also interest you:

NHS Hearing Aid Batteries Types of NHS Hearing Aid NHS Hearing Aids vs Private Hearing Aids NHS Hearing Aid Cost

About Hearing Direct

We are one of the world's leading hearing aid specialists. Hearing Direct offers a wide range of affordable Digital Hearing Aids, and information resources to help improve the quality of life for the hard of hearing. We sell:

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