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Buying Hearing Aids: 20 Things You Should Know

HD 91 Digital hearing aid

Hearing aids are often the most effective means to manage hearing loss. Unfortunately, they will not cure your hearing loss, but rather make your hearing loss manageable provided they work well for you. In this blog post, we cover the top things you need to know before you think about purchasing one.

20 Things You Should Know Before Buying Hearing Aids

So, before buying, here is a list of 20 useful things to know about hearing aids:

1. Do you really need one - If you have any doubts about your hearing, get it checked and diagnosed. You can take our free online hearing test which will indicate if you should take further action to protect your hearing.

However, most hearing aids can provide only little benefit in cases of profound hearing loss.

2. Know your rights - Although Medicare does not cover hearing aids, you can get hearing tests and other hearing services with Medicare.

Medicaid often covers hearing aids for adults. Medicaid must pay for hearing aids for children. You may qualify for Medicaid if you have a disability or do not make a lot of money.

3. Hearing centre - If you decide to purchase a device privately, you do not have to buy them at the hearing centre where your hearing test took place. Take your results and explore your options. Use the internet to research your options, it is a powerful tool.

4. Private hearing aids vary in price - Make sure to allow plenty of time to research well. Prices can vary and the difference can be in the thousands. Pay attention to over-engineered, over-priced and over-sold hearing aids on the private market.

5. Decide on the type - Hearing aids vary in the way in which they fit your ear. Some fit inside your ear, others behind and so on. Be sure to research your options. Learn more about different types of hearing aid here.

6. Understand the difference between the models - Models will often vary in terms of their functionality. Pay attention to battery life and specific compatibility which you might require such as telephone use.

7. Check the return policy - If the hearing aid does not come with a full money back guarantee, then it may be wise to look elsewhere. You should not be faced with paying for something that does not deliver tangible benefit.

8. Check for warranty - Look for devices that include a manufacturer warranty. The standard warranty is 12 months and normally can be extended nearer the expiry date.

9. You have options when buying privately - If you decide to go down the private route, hearing aids are available from high street chains and online where you will get better value for your money.

10. Hearing aids won’t make your hearing loss worse - A myth in some circles, wearing hearing aids does not make your hearing loss worse, in many cases, it can reduce the onset of hearing loss.

11. Two are better than one - Wearing two hearing aids will help manage your hearing loss better. There are many binaural benefits, in the same way as you are unlikely to buy a monocle to help with visual correction required for both eyes. We have two ears and two eyes for a reason!

12. Too loud can cause hearing loss as well - Too much amplification can damage your hearing, so it's important to have a hearing test before you buy.

13. Hearing aids can be worn with glasses - Just pay attention when removing the glasses so not to dislodge the behind the ear styles.

14. Battery life varies - The longevity of the battery will change from one device to the next and will greatly depend on how often the device is used.

15. Hearing aid batteries should not be placed in the bin - Safely dispose of batteries. Many retailers who sell batteries collect them for recycling, check with a local store.

16. Be mindful of pets - Don't let your cat get your hearing aid. Some cats and dogs seem to favor the taste of hearing aids, or object to the high-pitched noise they can make if left turned on when out of the ear. Make sure to store the device safely and away from pets.

17. Broken hearing aids can be repaired - But... if the device is outside of its warranty, consider a new one as the cost of repair can sometimes equal a new aid especially those available online.

18. Invisible hearing aids are not magic - These are merely normal digital hearing aids which fit inside the ear canal and not necessarily expensive. Be wary of those offering them for inflated prices.

19. Used hearing aids are a bad idea - They will often include outdated technology and no return policy. Don’t leave your hearing improvement to chance and buy new.

20. Keeping moisture at bay - All hearing aids can be affected by the build-up of moisture. This will stop the device from working. Make sure you store the device in room temperature conditions and if possible using desiccant storage such as the Cedis Drying Capsules and Pot Kit.

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